Assist-Life Stage, Transition

Assist-Life Stage, Transition

As an NDIS participant, with us, you will always lead a growth-oriented life. Being your chosen NDIS provider, we will be with you at every stage of your NDIS journey and help you progress and achieve your goals. Our assistance with life stages and transition service is meant to offer your complete support while you cross your personal and professional milestones.

Our support workers will help you:

  • Establish support connection and coordination of supports.
  • Identify your housing goals and find appropriate permanent or temporary accommodation and assist with accommodation and tenancy obligations.
  • Prepare for all the changes that await you. This includes starting a new job, school, or even pursuing a new hobby.
  • Develop basic decision-making, budgeting and daily planning skills to help you expand your horizons and achieve your goals.
  • Plan for expected/desired changes on the personal or professional level and acquire the resources you need to accommodate and welcome those changes.
  • Develop life transition planning including basic mentoring and peer support and individual skill development to enable a smooth transition.

To know more about our assistance with life stages and transition services, reach out to us at Gracious Hands Services.

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