Assist-Personal Activities

Assist-Personal Activities

At Gracious Hands Services, we aim to make your everyday peaceful and satisfactory. To this end, we offer complete assistance with your personal activities. Whatever your personal requirements might be, our support workers will identify, address and deliver them efficiently and ensure your overall well-being.

Basic assistance with personal activity service covers:

  • Assistance with supervising personal tasks of daily life to enable participants to live as autonomously as possible and the supports can be provided in a range of environments, including but not limited to the participant’s own home.
  • Meal planning, preparation and ensuring regular and timely intake of a balanced diet.
  • Assisting with personal activities like making a to-do list, organising your living spaces, grocery shopping, managing workflow, garden maintenance etc.
  • Toileting, bladder and bowel management.
  • Offer assistance with personal hygiene activities like showering, clipping nails, brushing teeth, etc.
  • Assistance with invoice payments, bill payments, budget management and medical appointments and prescriptions.
  • Undertaking everyday cleaning activities like changing bed linen, brooming, dusting, laundry, vacuuming, etc.
  • Versing the participants in the correct usage of assistive technologies.

The nature and the extent of the support provided will be determined by the participants themselves.

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