Innov Community Participation

Innov Community Participation

Humans are social animals, and they grow via human interactions, and it is our aim to enable participants to access mainstream activities. We are aware of this fact and promote participants’ regular interaction at the community level. We organise several community programmes and encourage participation in them.

As part of our innovative community participation service, we will:

  • Conduct regular workshops to help the participants to explore and find opportunities on the professional front.
  • Provide the participants opportunities to explore their hobbies, interests and career options.
  • Help the participants interact and establish meaningful relationships at the community level.
  • Encourage active participation in community events and develop their interpersonal skills through such interactions.
  • Conduct and promote participation in basic skills development sessions to help build capacity and develop skills like cooking, financial management, communication, driving, personal hygiene, etc.

These activities will keep the participants engaged, entertained, and simultaneously become catalysts for their growth.

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